Having developed solutions for clients for 25 years, we’re at the forefront of what seamless onboard and personal data management should look like. What we see in the market is hideous and sometimes downright scary.
So how the usual scenario goes is something like this…
Let’s say, Jen, wants to join an organisation; she finds the organisation via her network and makes her way to their website.
From here, after searching for a join link, she will be presented with a form. The form varies heavily from organisation to organisation in usability, intuitive navigation, readability and accessibility. Most forms are excruciating and poorly designed, and the user experience/client experience is terrible.
Jen completes the form, and depending on (sometimes complex) business rules, her data will be pushed into a CRM. The organisation has a multi-department process in place; there may need to be internal checks against Jen’s credentials, board approval, a phone call or an invoice emailed. Jen will be asked to make a once-off payment or create a payment plan for the membership product she has just agreed to.
Jen receives communication via email encouraging her to set up login credentials to access the member area to access the member benefits she’s after.
This is how it’s done, a process you probably know all too well.
If Jen wants to access the member benefits, she must log in and remember her password. If Jen wants to manage her membership, details, and payments, she’ll need to navigate how the organisation has decided they want to handle Jen’s enquiry internally with their departments.
In Spring, Jen joins a gym, another professional institution, or a club. Take your pick; she will, without a doubt, go through the same process as above, navigating a new system and the way they want data collected, another set of payment methods, the crappy comms, and yes, her data ending up in another CRM, all without her knowing where it’s going, how it’s being stored, where it’s being stored, who has access to it.
Jen has two kids at two different schools. They play in different sporting codes, requiring Jen to repeat this process.
I think you see where I am going with this and feel Jen’s pain reflected in your life.
As part of this series, I want to walk you through what Bond is developing to combat the madness above.
In short, Bond is developing a global pass/wallet/vault called Lyfly, that will help Jen manage her life better, especially in the membership arena that we play in.
To vastly improve Jen’s digital experience, Lyfly will;
- Enable Jen to sign up to a new organisation with a click of a button, all the while having the comfort that her data is secured and what she needs to share is shared.
- Can redact that data sharing at anytime
- Let’s allow Jen access to one or as many organisations as she wishes, never having to use another crappy form again!
- Manage payments for all subscriptions from one location
- Not have to remember URLs to the login areas for each org
- Never have to remember a password again
- Stop worrying about her contact data ending up in 100’s CRMs
- Make updating her data should anything change an absolute breeze
- Decide what data she wants to share with each organisation
- Have all comms channelled through a single point in direct messaging rather than getting lost in emails or text messages.
Sounds exciting!? You bet it is. Follow for more.
Dave Hickling – Co-founder, Bond